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Showing posts with label Timely advice to all ages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timely advice to all ages. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The danger of pornography in this present generation.

   If there is anything that is or rather has destroyed so many lives in this generation is the sin of immorality of divers sort. As a very young convert, after I gave my life to Christ Jesus. I began a Spiritual research about so many things; one of which was about the dangerous virus that the devil has been using to cage men, women, youths, teen and even children to a very large extend. Am talking about PORN (PORNOGRAPHY).

Pornography is a spiritual virus that the devil is using and has been using to cage men, women, boys and girls who never see it as a dangerous tool. As look at it this way; for instance you have a smartphone, tablet or a laptop and because you really want to use your devices to its full potential; you decided to install some Apps into it. Now, at the process of installation you discovered that one out ten apps you install into your device is carrying virus and its almost corrupting your device system. Friend, please be since will you allow it to continue or will you rather quickly uninstall it and if you discovered that the virus is still there I believe you'll either go and flash that device or rather install antivirus app to help you do the work right? The same apply to pornography my friend. 
Its a spiritual virus that the devil is using to corrupt the minds of men these days most especially the youth. Back in the centuries, pornography was never the picture of the day, but now it is. You can see it many homes today; its there there in the movie (few days ago I was watching a particular movie given to by my friend; do you know that particular movie porn scene in every episode. I have to do away with it immediately), pornography is there in books we read today, its there in the songs that being played today, you can see it in almost every advert in there television or internet. Its not really funny to say, but its everywhere. We need the Word of God with is the eternal antivirus to wipe it out from our 
mind, heart, lives and the society at large.

Now let's discuss about the issue before us. What is porn or pornography?

Pornography is a book, phone message, magazine, video game, picture, video, movie or website that show images of men, women, boys and girls naked in a sexually provoking manner.

According to one of the world's most populous pornography website pornhub reports in 2017 that there were over:
28.5 billion annual visits to the website
81 million daily average visits
25 billion search performed
50, 000 search per minute
800 search per second
4, 052, 542 videos uploaded.

This report above shows that many people especially young people are trapped in the snare of pornography. This is really serious. Friend, the question now is; are you among this statistics??? If you are; do you know you're on your way to hell now? The only now for escape is by genuinely surrendering your life to
Jesus Christ now and be saved.

According to TSB Foundation. Seven reasons while you need to stay (flee) away from pornography:

1. It corrupts the mind and if not controlled (work on) it can lead to total decay of the mind.

2. It enslaves the mind, spirit, soul and body. It takes away your will power.

3. It enflames sexual list and leads to insurmountable sexual dissatisfaction.

4. Its exposes you to sexual perversion or unnatural sexual lifestyle like homosexualism, pedophile, beastility, sadomasochism, lesbianism, and so many dangerous acts.

5. It increase your desire to masturbate.

6. It promotes sexual promiscuity.

7. It is a sexual sin direct from hell fire.

So, beloved you must understand that the mind is where we create, imagine, design and visualize our future and every other things in life. It is where great ideas are birthed. Therefore, it is impossible for a mind that has been hijacked or stolen by pornography to generate any healthy idea. Remember, as a man thinks so is he. So, you must keep, guild your mind against this treading evil already in the air. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can help you out.

There is no point deceiving yourself my friend. You know yourself better than anyone around. You know very well you are tired of that lust that still hook you up to still go to that website to watch porn or that still make you to hide in the dark to watch pornography and masturbate in so much that after you finish you still go to God and say "am sorry Lord", yet you still go back to that stinky vomit. 

My brother, my sister, I that is writing this article to you have been in so of these things then I was still ignorant of the true Word of God. Read 1 Peter 1:14-16. You'll discover that what God has called us to is to live a holy, sanctified life that glorifies Him only in every square of life. If God could save and help me out: Righteousness Joshua Aluaye-Ohiole.
Beloveth, how much more you. 

You can come out now from this sin and be saved. If you really want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ now and receive grace to live for Him daily. Please, say this prayer with me:

"Lord Jesus, my Saviour I come to you today. I have been living in the dark thinking am living right. I have defiled your temple so many times thinking am having pleasure. I abuse the gift of sex so many times in my ignorance. Lord am sorry. Please, forgive me dear Lord. Restore me to yourself Lord and give me grace to live above sin. Clear my name from the book of death and hell by your precious Blood and please write my name in the Book of Life. Help to have a right relationship with you everyday of my life from today Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen! Thank you Father."

Beloved, if you have just prayed that prayer right now I congratulate you. To grow more in Christ and shield from the from life which you once live. You will have to begin a journey with the Word of God. The practical and biblical way to overcome lust and canality is to occupy yourself with God and godly aspirations. I recommend you to the Word of God. Occupy your heart with it henceforth. If you don't have a Church you attend presently please, look for a bible believing Church around your locality and start one. On this same subject please click HERE to read our other article on Sexual Purity. If you need more assistance please, do email us or call/ chat up the founder of GoRighteous Initiative directly with this contact +2348108390203

God Bless you richly.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

A Call unto Holiness

   The call of God is the manifestation in time of His purpose in eternity: "Those he predestined, he also called" (Romans 8:30). This we know that Believers are the "called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16). In His call He reveals to us what His thoughts and His will are concerning us and what the life is to which He is perpetually inviting us to.

   He makes clear to us through His Living Word what the hope of our calling is, and as we spiritually apprehend and enter into this, our life on earth will be the reflection of His purpose for us in eternity.
   The Holy Word--the Bible uses more than one word to indicate the object or aim of our calling, but none more frequently than what the Apostle Peter speaks of in one of our text above: God has called us to be holy as He is holy. Apostle Paul addresses believers twice as "called to be saints (that is holy)" (Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:2). "For God did not call us, " he says, "to be impure, unholy, unclean, but to live a holy, saintly, sinless, spotless, guiltless, heavenly bound life" (1 Thessalonians 4:7). ---Emphasis added. As believers in Christ, if the only thing we are still living for immediately after our conversion is very far from this very life of holiness that the Lord God Himself has called us to; then, we are yet to experience the true power of the Cross and God Himself. Some years ago, when I got converted this is what I experience---that power of true Holiness in God through Christ. It was this same power that drives me on my knees to pray till the Lord God has to purify me--I mean, the real ME. Till data am still experiencing this power, because daily I give myself to the Word. Believers, know this; that the more deeper we go into God's Word the more He reveals Himself to us personally and to this effect the more the the things of the world and its lust will gradually fade away.
   Apostle Pual, when he writes, "The God of Peace, sanctify you through and through," he adds, "The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). So, it is not what you struggle to do by yourself not even trying or thinking to live out in your canal and powerless mind. No! He says, He will do it. What He expect you to do now is to yield your very self to Him. 
   The calling itself is spoken of as "a holy calling." The eternal purpose, of which the calling is the outcome, is also continually connected with holiness as its aim. "He chose us in Him ... to be holy and blameless in his sight" (Ephesians 1:4). "From the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit" (2 Thessalonians 2:13). "Chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit" (1 Peter 1:2). The call is the unveiling of the purpose that the Father from eternity had set His heart upon: that we should be holy.
   Without doubt, to know what God has called us to is of infinite importance. To misunderstand it is where the falling away begins from. You may have heard that God calls you to salvation or to happiness, to receive pardon or to obtain heaven. But have you ever noticed that all these were subordinate to His main purpose? It is to "salvation through sanctification"; to holiness first and foremost as the element in which salvation and heaven are to be found. Like my daddy in the Lord, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi will say;  "give me holiness or nothing else." That's while you see his ministry is mainly on the doctrine of God's holiness and that is the true foundation every true believer who aspire to know God intimately needs to setup for a better spiritual stand with God.

The Experience or Lack of Holiness
   It pains my heart to see that so many people who profess to be Christians are yet to know the main purpose of which they're redeemed from sin. The complaints of many Christians as to a lack of joy and strength, of failure and lack of spiritual growth, are due to the fact that they have not given holiness the place that God gives it. No wonder Apostle Paul, when he spoke to the Ephesians about being "chosen to be holy," prayed for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God to be given to each believer that he might know the hope to which he has been called (Ephesians 1:17-18). Let all of us who now see to what we are called pray this prayer and ask God to show us that just as He who called us is holy, so we are to be also. Our calling, before and above everything else, is to holiness. Let us ask Him to show us what holiness is: first His, and then ours; to show us how He has set His heart upon it as the one thing He wants to see in us: His own image and likeness. Oh, that God by His Spirit would teach all of us what this calling means! It is easy to conceive what an influence it would have.

Called unto Holiness
   "Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do" (1 Peter 1:15). This call of God shows us the true motive behind His command: "Be holy, because I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16). Let's look at this holy statement very closely; we will see that it is as if God said, "Holiness is my glory: without it you cannot see me or even enjoy me; there is nothing higher to be had. So, I invite you to share my likeness." Does this attract you and move you deeply--the hope of being partakers of His holiness? There is nothing better He could offer you. Shouldn't we cry to God to show us the glory of His holiness, that our souls may be made willing to give everything to respond to this wonderful call?

   His call also shows the nature of true holiness. To be holy is to be Godlike, to have a disposition, a will, a character like God. The thought almost looks like blasphemy, until we listen again: "He chose us in him ... to be holy" (Ephesians 1:4). In Christ the holiness of God appeared in human life, in His own life here on earth. We have the holiness of the Invisible One translated into the forms of human life and Conduct. To be Christlike is to be Godlike; to be Christlike is to be holy as God is holy. Does this very expression seem to be real in your Christian walk with God Oh, thou Believer?

   The call equally reveals the power of holiness. "There is none holy but the Lord"; there is no holiness but what He has, or rather what He is and shares. The quality is not something we do or attain by our own power: it is the communication of the divine life, the inbreathing of the divine nature, the power of the divine presence resting on us. And our power to become holy is to be found in the call of God: the Holy One calls us to himself that He may make us holy by possessing himself. He not only says, " I am holy," but "I am the Lord, who makes you holy" (Leviticus 22:32). Because the call comes from the God of infinite power and love, we may have confidence that we can be holy.

The Call

   The call no less reveals the standard of holiness. There is not one standard for God and another for man. The nature of light is the same whether we see it in the sun or in a candle; the nature of holiness remains unchanged whether it dwells in God or in man. The Lord Jesus could say nothing less than "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). When God calls us to holiness, He calls us to Himself and His own life. The more carefully we listen to His voice and let the fact sink into our hearts, the more will all human standard fall away and only His words remain.

  The call shows us the path of holiness. The calling of God is one of efficacy, an effectual calling. Listen to Him and with divine power the call will work what it offers. He calls the things that are not as though they were. His call gives life to the dead and holiness to those whom He has made alive. He calls us to listen as He speaks of His holiness, and of ours like His. He calls us to Himself, to study, to fear, to love, to claim His holiness. He calls us to Christ in whom divine holiness became human holiness, to see and admire, to desire and accept what is all for us. He calls us to the indwelling and the teaching of the Spirit of holiness, to yield ourselves that He may bring home to us and breathe within us what is ours in Christ. Believer, listen to God calling you to holiness; come and learn what His holiness is, what yours is, and what it should be.

The Prayer you should Pray now

...draw near to God even has He is willing to do so to you now. "Be holy, as I am holy." Take a step further friend you will hear a voice from Calvary: saying; "Be holy, for I am holy."

Dear Child of God, have you ever heard this call from God? Shouldn't we confess that happiness has been to us more than holiness, and salvation more than sanctification? But it is not too late to redeem the error. Listen to the voice that calls, draw close, and find out what holiness is, or better, find out and know Him who is the Holy One. If the first approach to Him fills us with shame and confusion, makes us fear and hold back, let us still listen to the voice that tells us to be holy, as He is holy. "The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24). All our fears and questions will be met by this One who has revealed His holiness with one purpose in view: that we might share it with Him. As we yield ourselves in the deep quietness of our soul to listen to the voice that calls us, it will awaken within us a new desire, a new passion, a new hunger and strong faith to be holy.

...to you who is reading this now: if truly you're in pursuit of holiness, you must begin with God Himself. You must go to Him who calls you. It is only in the personal revelation of God to you as He speaks, "I am holy," that the command "Be holy" can have life, power and strength in you. 

...The major prayer I pray everyday is not going to God and begin to ask for money, blessings, fruitfulness, enjoyments, this or that. No! My prayer daily is Oh, Lord give me a heart that seeks after you, that seeks to please you every seconds of my life in holiness and sincere worship in truth. Fellow believer, what's your heart cry like?

...the good Lord God of Host will makes us holy even as we all come to Him in true sincerity and humility. Amen!

God bless you.

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Friday, May 22, 2020

The Christian and this world's present technology

"Wow! So soon?" Precious Osifo proudly giggled as her android phone kept beeping while receiving Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp messages. With her head delicately leaning against the cushion chair, she chuckled as she moved from one social media platform to another, enjoying the content of the messages. The message that delighted her most was the one that the goods she ordered just the previous day would be arriving that morning.
   Looking up from her phone, she sighted a dispatch rider of a reputable online company advancing towards her premises. Soon, the dispatch rider arrived and brought the consignment: a dozen of Christian literatures, a pair of black shoes and a red hand bag.

   "Good morning madam," he greeted, beaming with a smile.
   "Good morning," Precious replied, also smiling.
   "Are you Miss Precious?" He enquired.
   "Yes, I am," she replied.
   "It's my pleasure yo deliver the goods you ordered online yesterday," he said with searching eyes, trying to know if Precious was angry. "Sorry, I arrive a bit later than the appointed time. I was held up in a traffic jam," he apologized.
   "It's ok," Precious replied with cheerful countenance. "Are those for me?" She asked, pointing to the documents he held in his hand.
   "Yes, ma'am; just sign here and that is all," he answered respectfully. Precious signed the document and bid him goodbye.

   That wasn't the first time Precious was shopping online, except this time, the dispatch was faster than she expected. Although the dispatch vman apologized for arriving later than expected, Precious couldn't expect the consignment to have arrived any faster than the time it came. Most of her clothes, books and other educational materials were purchased online, and always delivered to her in the comfort of her home, though not this fast, giving her the time to perform other duties.
   The opportunities and comfort modern technology has afforded humanity is astonishing, she thought, reminiscing on the newly manufactured aircraft with swimming pool and other modern facilities. "What an Age!" She exclaimed, as she pondered on the technological wonders of the present generation.

Benefit of Advancement in Technology to this Generation
   The term, "Technology," according to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, is the practical application of knowledge, especially in a particular area; a capability given by the practical application of knowledge; a manner of accomplishing a task, especially using technical processes, methods or knowledge. The modern age is doubtless characterized by information, communication, science, education, etc. In information and communication technology (ICT), the smartphone, tablet, computer and the internet are prominent. In fact, the internet is referred to as information "superhighway," probably because of the speed and efficiency with which it processes information. Medicine, among other scientific fields, has witnessed tremendous breakthroughs with lots of benefit to humanity. Education has been relatively made easy in this modern time with online resource, academic programs and materials such as online degree programs, distant learning, e-classes, e-books, and portable document format (pdf). Knotty human problems are being solved through advancement in technology.

  Without doubt, there has been a remarkable shift from the Stone, Iron and Bronze Ages (as the past generation are now called) to the Jet, Digital or Modern Age characterized by military weapons and the use of technological devices. Dangerous weapons of war such as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), nuclear warheads and drones, which destroy human lives are produced by powerful nations of the world to destroy enemy nations. Technological devices like aircraft, robots and automobiles are also being built.
   Of all the technological development of the modern world, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) seems to be the most notable and widespread. It affects every sphere if life including education, banking, trading, entertainment, government and the military. ICT is one major area of breakthrough in the 21st century. With the development of ICT, humanity now enjoys more comfort and ease with faster speed in accomplishing tasks. This is an evidence of the increase in knowledge that Prophet Daniel predicted will be the main feature of this generation (Daniel 12:4). 
   ICT has made the world a global village. Chiefs among its tremendous benefits are the internet (and its World Wide Web component) and the cell phone. Communication and transportation costs have been drastically cut because communication is made cheaper through the internet, especially the social media. You can now access life-tranforming information on platform or website like GoRighteous through email, YouTube, instant messaging, blogging, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Video conferencing in the comfort of your room or office. Distance is no longer a barrier as you can have current news at your fingertips. Most importantly, the Gospel of Christ can be easily shared with others from any part of the world without physical contact; and that's what GoRighteous Initiative is known for by the grace of God. 
   With just a click, you can access Gospel materials like books, Christian periodicals, sermons, tracts and songs. Edifying Christian discussion groups are also available on the Net. The internet is a useful evangelistic platform for the spread of the Gospel, which Christians are expected to take advantage of. Live Gospel ministration can also be viewed via satellite. This means you can reach people or watch live Gospel preaching in your church, in the comfort of your home and office and even while on the go via satellite and video streaming on the internet. Large materials such as online books, especially in pdf format, media files such as photos, music and videos can be uploaded anywhere or to anyone in the world as well as downloaded from any site on the Net for personal consumption or other purposes. Isn't that amazing?
   In addition, the internet is highly commercially maximized. Aside from the production of business-facilitating modern machines, internet (or online) marketing is becoming more rampant in this present generation. Internet shopping and banking is getting more popular by the day. Knowing this, a lot of people and organizations, including Christians, have taken their businesses online. This has helped to reduce cost, remove the distance barrier and reach wider range of customers or consumers.
   The global influence of technology on education at all levels is also apparent. Since Pressey's epoch-making development of the first teaching machine, other advanced teaching aids like audio and videotape recorders, overhead projectors, video projectors and computers have been developed. How else could distance learning have been made possible if not through the influence of technology? It has also become easier and time-saving to assess students with computer software. Even people with disabilities no longer have to panic over how to acquire formal education in the face of addictive technology like mechanical and non-mechanical, electronic and non-electronic aids among other specialized instructional materials. More importantly, academic research is now relatively easier than the previous generation since academic materials are abundantly availableeven the internet generally and internet library in particular.
   Modern technology has equally provided useful storage devices like the computer internal and external Hard Disk (HD), USB drive, memory card, especially the micro SD card, and the cloud (an unpredictable or unidentifiable part of a network through which data passes) storage. The world has also moved away from the use of cassette with its players to VCD, CD, DVD and their players. In fact, the latest audio and video players have gone beyond playing disk; they play media files, including High Definition materials. They include MP3 player, iPod, mini laptop, the computer wireless Bluetooth and cell phone, which make mass storage of data easier. This has greatly aided the spread of the Gospel since a good number of life-tranforming, edifying and inspiring sermons and Christian songs can be also bebsent to different unreached parts of the world where hard copies of the Bible and other Gospel materials are prohibited for furtherance of the Gospel.
   With the introduction of smartphones having an advanced mobile operating system (OS such as android, iPhone, iPad and Tablet) and running third-party software components called applications ("apps" for short-name), you can now download various apps from different apps stores or markets such as Bible (all kinds of Bible including study Bible with various Bible commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, history, maps, video clips, search engines to navigate different parts of the whole Bible, etc.), semantic dictionaries, encyclopedias, e-book, audio and video players, offices, etc. You can virtually do almost everything from your cell phones these days including saving and transferring money from the bank. It is a handheld computer, video, audio player ---you name it.
   Beyond the normal health care administration, technology has greatly aided in incredible surgical operations like cochlear (implanted hearing aid), which helps people with hearing impairment, ostomy (a surgical procedure in which an artificial opening for excreting waste matter is created) and artificial limbs, hip and knee implant. Radiotherapy (X-rays or beta rays) and respiratory assistance like oxygen supplementation are some other areas where medical technology improves human life. Moreover, complicated diseases are accurately diagnosed and treated. This, of course, has contributed immensely to healthy living. What shall we say about the electronic cash machine called automated teller machine (ATM) where you can withdraw money at any time you need it, even where banks are not operating and the computerization of almost everything. Indeed, this is a world where everything is made easy, and Christians have no excuse for not exploring technological advancement to reach lost souls for Christ. Unlike the Initiator of GoRighteous InitiativeRighteousness Joshua Aluaye-Ohiole would say: "If your time cannot be spent to win the lost, let your money do it for you. If you don't have the resources, sure you have the talents and ability." Do what your generation will remember you for. Its certain that GoRighteous Initiative is yet unknown, but we strongly believe that the Initiator is doing something now that his generation will look back to few years from now. Serve God with that little knowledge you have friend you'll be amaze how many lives God will use you to bring into His kingdom.

Adverse Effects of Modern Technology on this Generation
   Despite its numerous benefits, modern technology has some serious adverse effects in the world. First, there are technology related to health hazards. Due to prolonged use, the rays from computer and cell phones can cause blurred sight, leading to early use of eye glasses. Similarly, protracted use of earpiece or earphones can cause artificial hearing impairment. Prolonged use f the computer can also result in back and headaches as well as neck strain. Humanity is a!so prone to risk associated with sedentary lifestyle such as diabetes and obesity. Health experts advise that you should get up for a few minutes everyone hour to stretch yourself and breathe deeply if you work on desk. They say stretching helps alleviate tension in large muscle groups. It tones and relaxes the body, helps muscle flexibility and relieves pain in the joints. But most computer-based jobs keep you on your seat for longer hours without even having the time to eat your lunch.
   Helpful as medical discoveries are, system failure, danger from error occurring in Radio Therapy and drug abuse, among others,  have cut short many lives. The smoke and noise from modern machines and automobiles as well as wastes from oil exploration and gas flaring also constitute environmental pollution that reduces human life span.
   The internet has brought about cyber-crimes, and very many people not a few have been regrettably defrauded by internet fraudsters. Hackers have also succeeded in hacking into unsuspecting victim's personal data, manipulating them to their own advantage. Several organizations have had their secret information stolen by hackers have fraudulently accessed military and para-military  intelligence by hacking into their database, holding a whole nation to ransom. 
   Obsession with technological devices like cell phone is another subtle distraction from God and other meaningful activities, especially among youths. Ardent users even fell sick or uncomfortable without them. Unnecessary time wastage, poor reading culture (including reading the Bible), and poor performance in academics generally are other noticeable negative effects of such obsession. Technology in terms of fashion has also aided the promotion of nudity, and this has led to moral pervasion in the society. Other negative spiritual and bodily health effects of the fad and fashion of today is something we need to actually look into, because right from the beginning clothing was meant to cover our nakedness not exposing it, ah, but this generation said you can still cloth-in and cloth-out (that's fashionize your cloth to look good) but little do we know that that "looking good" in quote is nudity. In the beginning God cloths man, but today the devil making people including Christian to go naked and they are saying its advancement in technology. "Oh, I pray that God helps this generation." So lamented Righteousness Joshua Aluaye-Ohiole when he thought about this issue. If you're a Christian and you are dressing like the world taught men to dress; friend! You're on way to hell. Don't be confuse by own self saying you are dressing to pleased God. Hmm, you're a Big liar.
   Technology keeps passionate users emotionally isolated from friends and family members with whom they are supposed to establish meaningful relationship. It is heart-breaking  that people get glued to their cell phones while church services are in progress. Cyber church is another threat that would likely discourage physical gathering of God's children, especially in developed nations. Exposures to sexual immorality through pornographic pictures and videos, sexual perversion (like gay marriage, homosexuality, lesbians, bestility, masturbation, oral and anus sex), unhealthy internet relationship, etc., are other negative effects of technology on a society that is already bleeding from moral decadence. Internet dating and marriage has also become an acceptable culture to some people. Little wonder Jesus called this generation "an evil...adulterous and sinful generation" (Luke 11:29; Mark 8:38).
   As a Christian, you must be careful not to be corrupted and damned by modern technology. Be wise in its use, for "Wisdom is profitable to direct" (Ecclesiastes 10:10). Maximize the benefits of technology, but run from its danger. Repent from all the atrocious acts you've committed by abusing the use of technology, and it shall be well with you.

...do you find this timely article interesting? Then, leave a comment. Thanks.
God bless you.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Call to Salvation from sin, self and the world

The call to Holiness, flee sin, self and the worldly way of life and repent and be converted.



Department of Fornication
Department of Masturbation
Department of Pornography
Department of Homosexuality
Department of Lesbianism
Department of Lusting


Department of Fashion
Department of Carnivals/Festivals
Department of Pride of Life
Department of Circular Music


Department of Occultism
Department of Idolatry
Department of Smoking
Department of Drunkenness
Department of Drug Addiction
Department of Hypocrisy
Department of Fraud/Malpractice


Department of Hatred, Malice
Department of Anger, Wrath
Department of Murder
Department of Envy, Jealousy
Department of Witchcraft


Department of lies
Department of slander
Department of backbiting
Department of Gossiping
Department of Tail-bearing
Department of forgery & faking.


Department of spiritual wickedness
Department of powers and principality
Department of witch and witchcraft
Department of Hydro-Spiritism
Department of demonology
Department of household wickedness
Department of evil operations
Department of obsession, oppression,possession and depression.

SIGNED: Devil Satan, Vice Chancellor - the prestigious UNIVERSITY OF HELL.

It is not possible to profess to be a Christian when you're not living to God's glory.


  That there is an opportunity for a change of institution to life everlasting (Heaven) by repenting and forsaking all your sins, and hold on to Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our Faith (Hebrews 12:2).
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone...
And shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever (Revelation 20:10-15).
I believe you won't want to be there not to talk of going there, that's while you have to make a positive choice now on where to spend Eternity
Choose wisely were you belong, God's love is too great to not to be accepted into one's live. Eternity is too big to spent in Hell Fire, escape for your life today, repent and be converted! Live a Holy life to God's glory.

God bless you.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Resolving Conflict

   All of us, whether young or young at heart, married or single, mother or not, will encounter conflict in our lives. The way we handle conflict becomes either an amazing opportunity to give God glory in how it is resolved, or a thorn in our side that we struggle to get right.
Many of the hurts of my past resulted in a great deal of conflict in my life. And all of you have had events in your life, both negative and positive, that have shaped your ability to resolve conflict and more importantly, your willingness to do so.
Proverbs 11:2 says Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

What are some of the things in our lives that cause conflict?  There are many, but here are just a few:
  • Insecurity – (Whether our own insecurity or someone else’s, it can cause major problems.)
  • Misunderstanding  - (Sometimes we simply misunderstand someone’s intention.)
  • Satan’s plan of division – (Why wouldn’t he cause conflict & division? He’s masterful at it).
  • Exhaustion – (When we are doing too much, too often, and not resting, conflict arises.)
 All of us will face misunderstandings or exhaustion and many have dealt with insecurity, so, what do we do to resolve these conflicts well?
Issue grace.  – Most of us would rather receive grace than issue it. It’s easier for us to see all the reasons why God should give us grace, because our heart is good and we’re good people and we didn’t mean to fail Him – than it is for us to see the good in others and just give them a break.  Maybe they are completely unreasonable. And maybe you are completely right. But it’s so important for us to look at how we can maintain and mend relationships than how we can be right.  (Ephesians 4:3 – Make every effort to keep yourselves united in Spirit, binding yourselves together in peace.)
Take your offense directly to the person. (See Matthew 18:15.) Friends, it is unfair to assume others in our lives know what we are hurt about, when we don’t talk to them about it. And it is even more unfair to discuss it with others when you haven’t discussed it with them. And we do both. Don’t gossip about it. Don’t fester about it. Take it to them in love. And when you take it to them, take it to them in hopes of resolution with a pure heart - not in hopes that you can convince them how right you are.
Speak life over the situation. The power of life and death are in the tongue. (Prov. 18:21)  Most of us are church girls/boys, men/women. We get it. We understand about keeping our tongue in line with God’s word. Yet, we struggle to do so. When we want to resolve conflict, we must speak honor over those we are in relationship with. If you think you can speak negatively about your friend, your brother, your sister, your pastor, your boss, your Bible study leader, and NOT grow division in your heart, you are wrong.  Wouldn’t our lives be so much better if we could just watch our mouths?  Never make light of the king, even in your thoughts. And don’t make fun of the powerful, even in your own bedroom. For a little bird might deliver your message and tell them what you have said. (Ecclesiastes 10:20)
Battle your thoughts.  Philippians 4:8 says to fix our thoughts on whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.  You cannot keep playing in your mind over and over and over what they said, what they did, an expect resolution. You cannot keep negative thoughts from coming into your mind. But it is your choice what you do with them, when they get there.
Friends, we are all armor bearers of something. Whether it’s your spouse, a friendship, your pastor, your boss, a ministry you are passionate about, your kids --- you are championing the cause for something and someone. And as such, you must begin to see yourself as mightily carrying the armor for someone else in your life to complete their mission – just as there are those in your life bearing armor for you.
What’s at stake if we don’t battle well? Rest assured, the conflict will grow. It becomes bigger than it ever needed to be. It shapes us. We become bitter, anger, and offended and no one can stand to be around us, instead of humble and graceful and strong. And we will also be so distracted with the conflict that we don’t focus on fulfilling our purpose. How could we be busy about our Father’s business, when we’re telling anyone who will listen about our conflict?
Let’s decide today that we are going to be problem solvers, not problem seekers. And when conflict does seek us out, we’ll be strong women/men of God who see it for what it is and determine in our hearts that we’ll overcome it with God’s help.

God bless you.