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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Shining as Lights

   Light is a good thing which human being like and celebrate. It brightens our path, enabling us to see; it makes our environment comfortable and welcoming. With it green plants manufacture food that mankind and all animals depend on. All we do to make living needs light to thrive.
   Our Lord Jesus Christ in John 8:12; declared, "I am the light of the world. Whosoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Again in the book of Matthew 5:14; He told His disciple, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." The disciples of Jesus are expected to shine as brightly as their master in every environment they live. They are to be visible like a city on a hill, constantly providing illumination and enlightenment to all onlookers.

   Light, according to EN English Dictionary, means flame, a source of illumination, something used to create fire. Oxford English Dictionary renders light as brightness, understanding or a kind of radiation that stimulates sight. Encarta Dictionary defines light as the energy producing a sensation of brightness that makes seeing possible.
   Jesus describing His followers as the light of the world means that every genuine believer in Christ has been divinely energized to be instrument of transformation in the family, society and community. The believer should provide God-honoring illumination, enlightenment and information by words and deeds wherever he or she lives or works. New birth makes you a new creation and ushers you into a glorious realm to tough people's lives, meet people's needs and free people from all the ordeals of darkness (2 Corinthians 5:17).
   Darkness is a horrible and terrible thing that stops movement and activities; ---just like eclipse of the sun or thick black sky. Darkness invites inaction and sleeping and opens doors to accidents and wicked atrocities. Snake bites, attack by dreaded wild animals and the most cruel and diabolical acts are carried out under the cover of darkness. Darkness depicts gloom, hopelessness, evilness, lack of understanding; lack of compassion, presence of suffering and death. So anything that has power to remove darkness is in high demands. Torch, kerosene lamp, gas lamp, electric lamp and mains electricity are in high demand in the street and markets because they can eliminate physical darkness, through provision of physical light.
   Equally a convinced Christian is much needed as the source of spiritual light in every environment he or she occupies. This Christian teaches people how to attain eternal life, how to contract holy marriage and live in peace under God, how to work hard and earn honest income, how to raise a godly generation in the home and Church, how to honestly study in schools and receive authentic certificates, and how to meet needs of customers in business. Being the light of the world encompasses these details. You that is reading this now, ask yourself this question. Am I a light in this world as the Lord has said I am? If yes! Congrats. But if no! Then, pray to God now and accept Jesus Christ into your life and thereafter ask Him to come into your life and make you a LIGHT indeed. Beloveth, remember you have a choice to remain in the Light of God where there is security or in darkness where there is pain and suffering, but I commend you to come to the Light and be saved and secured. Think about.

God bless you.

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  1. Nice writeup. Its certain that one can not attains to be a Christian if he/she still walk, live and share in works of darkness. God help us in this generation.

  2. I will shine as life in Jesus name. Amen.


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