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Friday, March 29, 2019


   Life is full of challenges. This has been the plight of humanity since ages past. The contest through life started when God banished Lucifer from Heaven because of pride and rebellion (Isaiah 14:12-15) and he has since been roaming about with the sole aim of destroying God's creation---particularly humanity. The devil fights day and night to see to the destruction of man, and more intense is his fight against the born-again Christian. This is because he wants to rob you of all that there is to possess as a child of God, including your soul if you don't watch it.
 God has given you precious promises and inheritance in Christ which Satan doesn't want you to enjoy and take possession of. The only option you have is to stand up and contend so that you can possess your possession. Don't go through this year beaten and battered; engage the enemy in a battle, because life only gives you what you demand and not what you desire. You need to position yourself to enjoy all that God has for you this year and your level of preparedness will determine how far you will go.
   Beloved, this is the year to make progress. You have dwelt too long in your situation, and the devil has done enough. That financial blessing, husband, wife, children, promotion and all the good things of life you want is available to you. But for you to possess it, contention is necessary because the devil is not willing to let you have it easily. Contend with any force that wants to stop you (Deuteronomy 2:24). You may think that whatever God has given you will readily come to you and you need not contend. Remember that although God gave the children of Isreal the Promised Land, they contended and fought for it before they finally possessed it. Don't be afraid to contend for your possession because God has promised you victory (Isaiah 49:25). It is not enough to know that God has given you all that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) but aim at making them a reality in your life.
   Besides, the Scripture says, "from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matthew 11:12). You need to come to terms with the fact that spiritual warfare is a part of the Christian life. Even our Lord Jesus Christ had to contend with the devil while He was on  earth as a man (Matthew 4:1-11). Don't be afraid to contend with the devil. Our Lord Jesus defeated him over 2,000 years ago. He won the victory for you through His death, burial and resurrection. Although he still roars and barks, he has been defeated and rendered powerless, and so, he can do you no harm. So, arise and contend for your inheritance as a child of God, stop fidgeting before the enemy of your soul; rather, rebuke him and he will flee from you.
   Now it's up to you to exert the authority and power Jesus invested in you to take back the ground the enemy has gained. You have nothing to fear "because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." Let the Deborahs and Esthers of this generation arise and contend against the devil, let them intercede on behalf of their communities and fight for the souls of men that the devil has held captive until they are truly liberated in Jesus.
   Moreover, if you're not yet born-again, you do not have any share in the Christian's right in Christ and are not eligible to contend with the devil because he is lord over your life. He can oppress and maltreat you at will. But, if you will repent of all your sins today and allow Jesus Christ into your life, He will give you power and authority over Satan and He will also help you defeat him every battle he wages against you. Beloveth! Decide today to live for God.

God bless you.


  1. This is a very great piece of work. Am blessed by this!

  2. When a man don't have the desire for God, it will be very difficult to get alone with God.

    1. Of course! It will be so. But, lets all pray that God will raise up men that will long after Him in this generation.

  3. What is life if am not align with God? Living a life with purpose is what matters. The world is changing, but those who are wise will not change alongside with this present world.

    1. Living for God is the ultimate. A life spent outside God is liable to be doom at last.
      What we all need is not more money, certificate, good comfort, but what we really need in times like this is God through His Son Jesus Christ.

  4. This is really nice indeed.


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