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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Whatever thy HAND findth to do

Hard Work:

 Oh, Man! Work like a dog and live like a King
Hard work can help you accomplish anything
The systematic work only bears the fruit
Try the select only an appropriate route.
You're a gifted human being with intelligence
Show your prodigy and prove your confidence
The world is so wonderful with opportunities
In which you live around many communities.
Don't be lazy and be as busy as a beaver
Your hard work and sweat pay you in return
Your identity is your dignity and designation.
It gives you certainly fame and recognition.
Students constantly work hard for their success
Parents really strive hard for their progress
Players play hard for the glory and conviction
Warriors struggle for the nation's protection.
                                               ------ Setaluri Padmavathi.
Fear resides in the bosom of the
sluggard; he sees danger everywhere!

The foregoing poem paints a world of wonderful opportunities, and appreciates the great potentials in all humans. Hard work and laziness are polar opposites; no wonder the poet encourages hard work and enjoins us to shun laziness. It's important to note that laziness produces nothing but penury. And because today's world doesn't allow anyone with folded arms, everyone is expected to work with clear foresight, doing whatever their hands find to do with all their hearts

The Value of Work
  Contrary to some people's opinion, work is not a  consequence of man's fall. Work is a gift from God; it's God's plan for man's existence. God ordained work for man as a normal routine. No one should see work as a burden because God designed it to bless and give us the opportunity to be productive.

  As it was in the beginning, when God made Adam----the the first man, He assigned him the duty to name all the animals and keep the Garden (Genesis 2:7-15). This is the first evidence that God ordained work for man. Apart from that, the Bible tells us that a large portion of our lives on earth will be spent working (Exodus 20:9). Work is Biblical; and God places a high premium on it. Therefore, no one should see work as a burden because God designed it to bless and give us the opportunity to be productive.

As a Christian, God expects you to work; and make it a part and parcel of your life. His divine plan for you includes working to provide for your family (1 Timothy 5:8); to provide for the needs of others (Ephesians 4:28); to meet the necessities in your local church and fellowship (Act 20:35); and to avoid being lazy and a busybody (2 Thessalonians 3:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:11). Work also develops and makes us mature. And by working, you're imitating the Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:17). The point is that by working we glorify God because "a working Christian is a reflection of a working God who created the universe and is still at work in our lives.

Work should be done diligently, no matter how small or big it is. The Bible instructs us in Ecclesiastics 9:10, thus, "Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." (KJV). It's not all about just working; it is being persistent and making efforts in your work or duties in order to accomplish your set goals. Therefore, to be diligent at work, you must be an excellent planner. Plan your work or duties with deadlines and follow it through. This will help you accomplish your given goal. In addition, don't just work, but try whatever as much as possible to bring out the best in what you do. In other words, be an excellent worker, this will open the door for more opportunities and outstanding privileges for you. Remember: "To know a man that is diligent in his business, he shall stand before Kings; he shall not, never, can't stand before mean, ordinary, normal men" (Proverbs 22:29). You're not ordinary! You're not normal! Because the ordinary and normal men do ordinary and normal things, but: those who go extra mile, those who fight day and night, those who burn the midnight candle, those who think hard and work on their plans; they're those whose heart is set and fixed on a given goal, keeping track of their time soon you'll see them smiling, because they have hit their goals. You can make it for sure, with God being by your side you can learn what you need to learn now, get that degree you need to get now, practice that difficult task you're to practice. Sooner or later you'll emerged as a success.

The main point is, "excellent work attracts the attention of excellent people." And no matter how tasking or daunting the work may be, ensure that you are faithful in it. Finally, take your WORK seriously; don't be lazy with it anymore.

God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. When someone has a work, it makes the individual responsible.


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